
Showing posts with the label 加賀ゆびぬき
I continued to do Yubinuki (Japanese thimble ring).  The circumference of these thimbles is 11 cm.  Water Lily (Lotus) 1  Water Lily (Lotus) 2  Water Lily (Lotus) 3  Ginkgo Biloba Leaves 1   Ginkgo Biloba Leaves 2   Ginkgo Biloba Leaves 3  Red pepper  Three colors peppers
Last temari ball . 31 cm in circumference.  I wanted use Hoya carnosa flowers on the ball. After C10 division I added an additional section to get 6 pentagons in each pentagon. I used the 5 point star technique to stitch the flowers of hoya carnosa. I continued to do Yubinuki (japanese thimble ring). I wanted to use Yubinuki (japanese thimble ring) technique on the temari ball . 11 cm in circumference. I share 5 balls. A thimble with a diameter of 3 cm.